Vegan friendly wines

Aren't all wines supposed to be vegan? Conventional wines are rarely suitable for vegans. Animal products are often used for fining. For example:

🐣 Egg white
🐄 Casein (milk protein)
🐖 Gelatin (pork/bovine)
🐟 Fish bladders

After they served their purpose, the animal products are removed from the wine. But there is no winemaker on earth, who can extract all the traces that are left in the precious liquid. That’s why wines that were fined with animal products are not vegan.

We do have some good news for vegans, though! The natural wines at our store do not contain any animal additives, and natural wines remain entirely unadulterated. Stark naked and delicious! 🍷 🥂

🍇 Shop our vegan friendly natural wines made from grapes and nothing but grapes. 

BioDyn Weinhof Haider - The Truth Blaufränkisch Natural 2019 Bio, Burgenland
Piedra Natural 2020 Bio Vegan, Toro, Castilla y León

Bodega Piedra, SPAIN

Piedra Natural 2020 Bio Vegan, Toro, Castilla y León

8,64€ 10,80€

BioDyn Weinhof Haider - Pet Nat Jung & Sexy 2022 Bio, Burgenland
BioDyn Weinhof Haider - Delirious 2021 Bio, Gelber Muskateller, Burgenland
Sold Out
Marcobarba - Barbabianca 2021, Veneto
Winzerhof Altmann - Orange Pet-Nat, Traisental, Niederösterreich
Menti - Roncaie sui Lieviti 2020, Veneto, Gambellara
Laurent Herlin - Tsoin Tsoin 2021 Bio, Loire, Bourgueil
Ficomontanino - Zacinta Revi Bianco IGT 2022, Toscana

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